Friday, January 24, 2014

Intents s'mores

Click on the campfire tab.

Invite your fellow campers to "The In-Tents S'more Challenge" 
See who can come up the most delicious, the most creative, the biggest, the healthiest, the camper's favorite or the most inventive s'more.  Come up with your own categories or have rules like the s'mores must incorporate a kit kat or a snicker bar.  But it must always be cooked on a fire with a stick and involve a marshmallow. Let your imagination take control creating campalicious "in-tents 

Nutella + Banana S'mores

Nutella and Banana S'mores

For all-out indulgence, try peanut-butter cookies with Nutella, sliced banana, and marshmallow.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Microwave a Grape

Microwave a Grape - 12 + Year old scientist, but any # or age of spectators.  It's incredible

 Microwave a Grape - This activity is for scientist, 14 yrs and older, but any # or age of spectators can be part of the experience.  

Warning.  It is unknown if this activity is healthy for your microwave or the grape.  Proceed with caution.
Cut a grape in half, starting at the stem end.  Slice through but stop short before you disconnect the skin. Lay the grape open in the microwave still connected on a paper towel. Turn on full power for 15 seconds, and watch in awe.

Click on the  In the Name of Science tab.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Letter Game

The Letter Game - 8 yrs. +,  for ~6-10 people,  Loads of Laughs!

The Letter Game
Object of the game:  All players will write and receive letters.  They will be mixed up and crazy.  And the more creative the responses the more laughs there are.
~6-10 players   Ages 8+

Everyone gets a paper (1/2 sheet copy paper works) and a pencil.  Sit around a table.  At the top of your paper write:  Dear _____________,  (your name)
Fold the top of the paper down far enough to cover the writing.  When everyone is ready pass the papers 2 to the right or some other random amount.  After each section of the letter, fold and pass again, something like 3 to the right or 1 to the left or whatever mixes it up well.

These are the letter sections:
Dear ________________,  (I mentioned this one earlier.)
Remember when __________________________.  Write the statement and finish by filling in the blank with your own creative genius.
What I like about you _____________________________.  Finish same as before.
What I don't like about you __________________________.  Since you don't know who's paper you have it can't be taken too personal.  It is nice to encourage the letter writers to give their answer a twist toward a positive or ridiculous slant.  For example "What I don't like about you is that your teddy bear is always in my laundry basket" or "You always beat me at double dutch".
The saying that reminds me of you is __________________________.  i.e. " One Eyed one Horned Flying Purple People Eater".

And last, write a closing.   These can be as silly as you want, for example;  Sincerely yours till the cows come home,.  
Sign your name. Open the letter and pass it to the person who's name is on top.  Take turns reading the letters aloud.

 Click on the  Group Games tab.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Whipped Cream Launch

Whipped Cream Launch- Teens and Young Adults love this.  

click the "In the Name of Science" tab, or click the title. It's also a link.

Whipped Cream Launch

Basically, you put a dab of whipped cream on the back of your hand. Pop it into the air and catch it in your mouth.  Yes, it's best played outside.  There is a neat trick for popping the whipped cream into the air.  Lower your hand like you're just going to toss the whip cream but then block your hand at the wrists with your other hand.  It might take a couple practices but you will get the hang of it.  We like to use the whipped cream that comes in a pressurized can. 

This works best as an outdoor activity, but what can I say?  It was freezing outside.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What it's about

This blog is all about finding fun in little things. 

You will find group games. Friend and family together time ideas. There will be good old, old fashioned fun.  

 Everything will be at no or very little cost.  There will be stories to help you find your smile.  And maybe some recipes (I don't find much to laugh about when it comes to cooking. It feels more like K.P. [military reference] except for that Mother's Day turkey incident, at least it's funny now.  And if I get up courage I will share how my pie crust compliment went terribly wrong.)

I will keep adding things, so keep checking back.  I'm just getting started.