The Letter Game
Object of the game: All players will write and receive
letters. They will be mixed up and crazy. And the more creative the
responses the more laughs there are.
~6-10 players Ages 8+
Everyone gets a paper (1/2 sheet copy paper works) and a
pencil. Sit around a table. At the top of your paper write:
Dear _____________, (your name)
Fold the top of the paper down far enough to cover the
writing. When everyone is ready pass the papers 2 to the right or some
other random amount. After each section of the letter, fold and pass
again, something like 3 to the right or 1 to the left or whatever mixes it up
These are the letter sections:
Dear ________________, (I mentioned this one earlier.)
Remember when __________________________. Write the statement and finish by
filling in the blank with your own creative genius.
What I like about you _____________________________. Finish same as before.
What I don't like about you __________________________. Since you don't know who's paper you
have it can't be taken too personal. It is nice to encourage the letter
writers to give their answer a twist toward a positive or ridiculous
slant. For example "What I don't like about you is that your teddy
bear is always in my laundry basket" or "You always beat me at double
The saying that reminds me of you is __________________________.
i.e. " One Eyed one Horned Flying Purple People Eater".
And last, write a closing. These can be as silly as you want,
for example; Sincerely yours till the cows come home,.
Sign your name. Open the letter and pass it to
the person who's name is on top. Take turns reading the letters aloud.
Click on the Group Games tab.