Monday, November 3, 2014


A mark of a great teacher, parent or leader, is that they do not ask those they lead, to do anything that they would not be willing to do themselves.

Jesus was the greatest teacher, He was the master.  He told us to seek goodly pearls and when we find one of great price we need to sell all we have to buy it.  For us, the pearl we seek is the great plan of happiness; the plan that was made from the beginning that would enable us to choose to return to live with God again.  It is the plan that gives purpose to earth life.  It would require a Savior who was perfect and could and would redeem us from our sins, enabling us to return to our Father clean. because clean is the only way back.  The pearl is the gospel and its worth is great.

So, did Jesus, the master teacher, do what He asked us to do - give up all He had to obtain the goodly pearl?

Jesus learned carpentry from  Joseph His earthly father.  But he left his trade to teach the gospel.  We don’t know of any earthly possessions except a garment. One that a women with faith touched the hem of, and soldiers cast lots for.  So what could He sell?  The only thing He really had was His will and His life. When He said “not my will but thine be done”, He gave his will and it was swallowed up in the will of the Father.  Then He gave His life on the cross.  And with His two possessions He bought the pearl.  For Jesus Christ the pearl was not the Gospel because He was the gospel. The pearl Jesus bought with all he had is you.