Monday, February 17, 2014


Adventures in skunk extraction. Just a little bit of country living.

 (Skunk art by Shon Henderson)


The dog had a strange odor. It had to be skunk. A general skunk smell seemed to encompass our house. A few days later we discovered the source.  A half grown skunk had fallen in the window well. No doubt with the help of the dog, since the odor's epicenter traveled wherever she did.  Our first idea for removing the critter was a 2 X 4 propped in the hole.  The hope was that the skunk would crawl out on it.  The poor stinky thing could have been afraid or too weak from several days without food, or maybe skunks don't climb, but it didn't take advantage of the board to freedom.  So next, my husband tied a rope to a bucket handle, lowered it into the window well and tipped it on its side. The skunk scampered right into its new surprise shelter.  Seizing the day, my husband excitedly began hoisting the bucket up and out.  The skunk in its panic, unleashed all remaining reserves, spraying the bucket, the window, the rope, the husband.  Once the bucket was on the grass, the skunk spilled out and dashed the length of the backyard, zipped around the house and fell in the other window well.

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