Monday, March 3, 2014

Pie to Die For

My mom always told me that making pie crust is tricky.  She said that you should never work the dough too long or it will be tough and chewy.  You should always try for a light, flaky crust.  I don't make pie very often because it's a lot of work, but I do know what to watch for in a good crust.  This knowledge really came in handy when the neighbors, Tom and Wendy (names changed for their protection)  invited me and my husband over for homemade pie.  Wendy has the physique of a fabulous cook, and the pie was evidence of her skill.  I complemented her on her wonderful crust.  She said that the secret to great crust was to use lard.  She also explained that it is really hard to find lard in the stores anymore.  

A few days later, I was out grocery shopping and saw a stock pile of lard in the refrigerated section.  I made a mental note to tell Wendy where she could get lard for her pies. 

The next time I saw her was at a formal church dinner.  We, the neighbors and two other couples, were all dressed up and seated around an elegant table.  Then I remembered - I had to share my discovery.  I spoke across the table to Wendy and said, "Wendy, I saw some lard and thought of you!"  Shock and disbelief was on all the faces and there was nothing I could say to recover from my ill worded complement.  

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