Friday, February 28, 2014

What Did You Say?

The What Did You Say? game

4-12 players.  Ages 8 +

Object:  Match answers with players to a group question.  The more answers you get right, the more points you get and everyone likes to be a winner.

Supplies:  Paper (¼ sheet typing paper is great), pencil and some kind of marker for each person.  e.g. a set of dice, playing cards, toothpicks, game pieces, small wad of paper.  It can be anything to identify that your answer has already been guessed.  (This part is optional if you are playing with a group of sharp memory geniuses.)

The game:  Sitting around a table, players will choose a leader to start the game and decide which direction to rotate turns.  The leader will think up a question.  An open ended question is best, one where the answers will be varied and not yes or no. The leader will ask the question to the group.  Each person will write their answer to the question on their paper and hand it face down to the leader.  Once all the papers have been turned in, the leader will restate the question, then read through the answers.  Whoever is next to the leader in the direction of rotation will start by guessing who gave which answer.  If they guess right, the leader will hand them the paper with the correct answer written on it, (players count up papers for points scored at the end of the round) and keep guessing until they guess wrong.  The player who's answer was guessed, will place a marker in front of him (optional).  If they guess wrong, their turn ends and the next person gets to try.  Players continue guessing in turn until all answers have been guessed.  The leader does not take a turn guessing and can re-read the answers as requested.

Choosing the next leader:  Who ever scores the most points in a round is the leader for the next round. (Variation:  Everyone takes a turn being the leader, using the same rotation as for guessing.)

Next round:  Redistribute papers. Cross out previous answer and start again.

Sample questions to get you started:
What would you never want to find under your pillow?
What embarrassing experience have you had?
What would you say to the President of the United States?
What is the worst vacation you've ever been on?
What would you never want to find in the trunk of your car? Under your pillow? In your ice cream?
What would you yell after jumping out of a plane, when you realized you don't have your parachute?
What would you never wear to the beach?
What is something you wish you didn't say?
Where is your happiest place on earth?
Where would you not like to wake up?
If road kill was for dinner, what critter would you prefer?
Where is the worst play to be put for "Time Out"?
What is your best hiccup cure?
What would you want engraved on your tombstone? 
What famous person would you like to meet and what would you say to them?
When were you the hungriest?
What makes your hair stand on end?
How would you back out (back pedal/recover) after saying; 

  • "You remind me of Lard?" Or
  • "When is your baby due?' Only to find out they are not expecting a baby. or 
  • any other awkward thing you could let fly.

Caution: I should have mentioned that you will need a box of tissues, because I have seen grown men laugh till they cry during this game.  It's scary.

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